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Best Courses to Study in South Africa

Best Courses to Study in South Africa

On this page, we give expert opinions in terms of what are the best courses to study in South Africa. This is based on identifying those courses that have more job opportunities here in South Africa.

Best Courses that Are in Demand in South Africa 2024 – 2025

Below is a list of the best courses to study in south Africa, simply because they have high demand, meaning it will be easier to get a job after completing those courses.

Nursing Courses

In South Africa, nursing courses will be in high demand for the next 10 years due to a number of factors that are, unfortunately, impacting negatively on South Africa’s healthcare system. Despite a 199.6% increase in the number of nurses between 1998 and 2022, the South African nurse-to-patient ratio remains very high, with 224 patients per nurse. This obviously leads to high workloads, longer waiting times for patients and little care for patients who desperately need help.

On the other hand, a growing population and diseases like HIV/AIDS further put pressure on our healthcare services. Also, the low retention rates, as a result of poor hospital working conditions, with low salaries, push nurses to seek opportunities overseas, in countries like the UK and Australia.

So the point here is that students who want to pursue nursing careers will always get jobs, however, working in those jobs for longer periods is not guaranteed due to the hostile working conditions.

Nursing Courses on Demand

If you would like to study nursing, consider these courses that are always in high demand, and can easily increase your chances of getting a job:

Diploma in Nursing (Staff Nurse)

  • Institution: Durban University of Technology (DUT)

Bachelor of Nursing (BNursing)

  • Institution: University of Pretoria (UP)

Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science

  • Institution: University of South Africa (UNISA)

Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care Nursing

  • Institution: Stellenbosch University (SU)

Bachelor of Nursing Science (Clinical, Community, and General Nursing)

  • Institution: Nelson Mandela University (NMU)

Information Technology (IT) Courses

Now, the Information Technology is a great place to pursue your career in. Careers in this industry are unlimited. Do you know that Information Technology (IT) jobs are currently booming because of the rapid technological changes and the growing digital transformation across all industries? The South African ICT market is projected to grow from USD 36.81 billion in 2024 to USD 53.85 billion by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.90%, reflecting increased demand for IT solutions in sectors like finance, healthcare, and education.

In South African Rands (ZAR), using an exchange rate of R19 per USD:

  • 2024: USD 36.81 billion = R699.39 billion
  • 2029: USD 53.85 billion = R1.02 trillion

This growth is driven by the expansion of cloud computing, cybersecurity needs, and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics. Additionally, businesses are shifting to digital platforms, fueling demand for skilled IT professionals who can manage networks, software development, and data infrastructure.

Why you should study IT courses in South Africa?

  1. High Job Demand – you will easily get an IT job in South Africa. Do you know why? because IT is a “skill” qualification, not simply a theoretical qualification like HR, Public Relations, Business Management, etc. I mean, if you know how to code, you can code, right?
  2. Versatile Career Options – you can easily become a “Jack of All Trades” within the IT space, which increases your chances of getting a Job. Example: one person can easily develop websites and apps, manage servers, do Search Engine Optimisation, design graphics, and also know how to do advanced data analytics.
  3. Competitive Salaries – in the eIT industry, you are paid based on your skills. If you are highly skilled, you can even get paid higher than your manager.
  4. Global Opportunities – you can work anywhere in the world. IT skills are universal. They are not like Legal and Law skills which are based within a country.

IT Courses on Demand

  1. Software Development Courses

2. Data Science and Analytics

3. Cybersecurity

4. Cloud Computing

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

6. Network Engineering

Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical) Courses

Engineering courses in Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical fields are in high demand in South Africa. This is because of South African development needs, as the population and the economy grows.

Here’s a list of Engineering courses which are in high demand and can easily get you a job, covering Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering:

1. Civil Engineering in Demand

2. Mechanical Engineering in Demand

3. Electrical Engineering in Demand

4. Industrial Engineering in Demand

5. Chemical Engineering in Demand

6. Mining Engineering in Demand

7. Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Demand

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