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Calculating Matric Average Percentage in South Africa

Calculating Matric Average Percentage in South Africa

On this page, we will teach you how to calculate the matric average percentage in South Africa.

To calculate your matric average percentage, follow these simple detailed steps:

Step 1: List Your Subjects and Marks

  • Write down all the subjects you wrote in your final exams.
  • For each subject, you should record the percentage mark you received.

Here is an example example:

  • Mathematics: 65%
  • English Home Language: 70%
  • Life Sciences: 80%
  • Business Studies: 75%
  • Physical Sciences: 60%
  • Life Orientation: 85%

Step 2: Add All Your Subject Marks Together

  • Add up the percentage marks you got for all those subjects.

For example: 65% + 70% + 80% + 75% + 60% + 85% = 435%

Step 3: Count the Number of Subjects

  • Count how many subjects you have. Typically, there are 6 or 7 subjects matric subjects.

In this case: 6 subjects.

Step 4: Divide the Total by the Number of Subjects

  • Now, divide the total of all your percentages by the number of subjects to find the average.

For example: 435 ÷ 6 = 72.5%

Step 5: Round Your Answer

  • Depending on your school or institution’s policy, you can round this number up or down. In this case, it would round to 73%.

So, your average matric percentage is 73%.

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