On this page, we will teach you how to calculate the matric average percentage in South Africa.
To calculate your matric average percentage, follow these simple detailed steps:
Step 1: List Your Subjects and Marks
- Write down all the subjects you wrote in your final exams.
- For each subject, you should record the percentage mark you received.
Here is an example example:
- Mathematics: 65%
- English Home Language: 70%
- Life Sciences: 80%
- Business Studies: 75%
- Physical Sciences: 60%
- Life Orientation: 85%
Step 2: Add All Your Subject Marks Together
- Add up the percentage marks you got for all those subjects.
For example: 65% + 70% + 80% + 75% + 60% + 85% = 435%
Step 3: Count the Number of Subjects
- Count how many subjects you have. Typically, there are 6 or 7 subjects matric subjects.
In this case: 6 subjects.
Step 4: Divide the Total by the Number of Subjects
- Now, divide the total of all your percentages by the number of subjects to find the average.
For example: 435 ÷ 6 = 72.5%
Step 5: Round Your Answer
- Depending on your school or institution’s policy, you can round this number up or down. In this case, it would round to 73%.
So, your average matric percentage is 73%.