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How to Become a Traffic Officer in South Africa

How to Become a Traffic Officer in South Africa

On this page, we will guide you on how to become a Traffic Officer in South Africa – from minimum requirements to applying for a position as a Traffic Cop.

Did you know that you need your Grade 12 certificate and a Code B driver’s license first before applying for any Traffic Officer courses in SA?

Becoming a traffic cop is concerned with the safety of our roads – your role will be to ensure that citizens follow the traffic rules, manage road flow and traffic, and issue traffic fines to disobedient drivers. Being a Traffic Officer or Cop is very different from being a Police Officer. Police officers go through more broader training with the South African Police Service (SAPS), handling everything from public safety to crime prevention initiatives. I wouldn’t recommend aiming for traffic enforcement if your passion is beyond the road. After high school, it’s important to choose wisely!

Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Traffic Officer in South Africa

Step 1: Meet the Minimum Requirements

  • Obtain a Grade 12 certificate (or equivalent).
  • Get a Code B driver’s license (manual transmission).
  • You must not have a criminal record.
  • Get a medical certificate stating that you’re physically fit to do strenuous exercises.
  • You must be under the age of 35.

Step 2: Find a Job at a Traffic Department

The process of becoming a Traffic Officer starts by applying for Traffic Officer Internships.So, you need to get appointed as a trainee, (permanently or on contract), by a Provincial Department of Transport, a Municipality, or a Government Agency such as the Road Traffic Management Corporation or Cross Border Road Transport Agency.

Also, you will have to check your local and national newspapers more often. Or contact any local or Provincial Authority directly to enquire whether vacancies exist and when posts will be advertised.

Step 3: Apply for a Traffic Officer Trainee Position

  • Find a job advertisement for a Traffic Officer Trainee and apply.
  • Fill out the application form and submit any required documents.
  • Only once you’re employed or appointed as a trainee by a traffic department, will you be qualified to attend a Traffic Training College.

Step 4: Get Sent to a Traffic College

  • After being hired as a Traffic Officer Trainee, the traffic department will then send you to one of the 14 accredited Traffic Colleges for training.
  • The government will cover all training costs—there’s no need to pay anyone upfront.

Step 5: Complete the Training

  • Attend the Traffic College to complete your training.
  • The training will include physical activities, traffic law enforcement education, and practical road safety exercises.

Step 6: Graduate and Start Working as a Traffic Officer

  • After successfully completing your training, you will officially become a Traffic Officer.
  • You can now start your duties, enforcing traffic laws and promoting road safety in South Africa.


  • You cannot enrol directly at a Traffic College as a private individual.
  • There are no “reserved spaces” at Traffic Colleges—only traffic departments can send you.

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